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A smile can elevate your mood and moods of people that you smile at. Throughout our days our teeth are bombarded by food and drinks that can cause stains on your teeth. These stains are called extrinsic stains and over time cause yellowing of the tooth.

NuYu Teeth Whitening products will remove extrinsic staining from a tooth when used as directed.

In this training you will learn the steps to successfully guide your client to a bright and whiter smile. We will demonstrate the use of NuYu 3000 Teeth Whitening Light, Prefilled Teeth Whitening kits, Whitening Pen, and Shade guide.

We’re so happy that you chose to learn about teeth whitening, now let’s get into the training.

What is teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening is the process of using a whitening agent to alter the color of a tooth. There are different ways to whiten teeth which include whitening pastes, strips, and gels

All toothpastes help remove surface stains because they contain mild abrasives. Some whitening toothpastes contain gentle polishing or chemical agents that provide additional stain removal effectiveness. Whitening toothpastes can help remove surface stains but depending on the paste ingredients they can be abrasive and cause sensitivity.

Whitening strips are very thin, virtually invisible strips that are coated with a peroxide-based whitening gel. The strips should be applied according to the instructions on the label. Initial results are seen within a week. Many whitening strips contain citric acid which dissolves tooth enamel and leads to sensitivity Whitening gels provide the fastest way to whiten teeth. Gels made with carbamide peroxide and/or hydrogen peroxide can give clients results within 30 minutes. Typically gel products are NOT the cause of sensitivity but if the client is already sensitive then the gel may cause discomfort.

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We do not recommend teeth whitening for the following people

There is no age-specific time for teeth whitening; it all depends on the conditions of the child’s teeth. All baby teeth must fall out and form adult teeth to start whitening. Baby teeth tend to be very sensitive to many whitening products. Permanent teeth respond well to gel and other whitening products. We DO NOT recommend whitening any child’s teeth without parental consent.

Pregnant Women
Many women like to look their best while pregnant. Thus, they may be interested in teeth whitening. The color of the teeth plays a large role in a person’s overall appearance. There is little research to substantiate the safety of whitening kits throughout pregnancy. Thus, many doctors suggest that pregnant women wait until after delivery and nursing before they start a bleaching session for their teeth. Most chemical teeth whiteners contain hydrogen peroxide, which chemically is simply water with an additional oxygen atom in its makeup. However, hydrogen peroxide can cause tissue damage if used in high concentrations. We DO NOT recommend whitening any pregnant woman’s teeth.

Tetracycline Stained Teeth
Whitening teeth that are stained because of taking tetracycline is always a very challenging process. The simple fact is that tetracycline color molecules cannot be completely removed from teeth. Thus, the amount of whitening that can be achieved when using a whitening system is limited. We do not recommend whitening teeth that have been stained by tetracycline.


NUYU Teeth Whitening System

NuYu Teeth Whitening system uses whitening gels. Our products are carbamide and hydrogen peroxide based. The system uses a whitening Accelerator light produces an intense cold light, illuminates the teeth and boosts the release of hydroxyl radicals at a wavelength of 400 to 500 nanometers, proven to be the optimal range for teeth whitening. Nuyu teeth whitening client session kits are designed to work specifically with the Accelerator light. The mouthpiece is designed to press the peroxide gel onto the tooth surface for optimal whitening without the client having to touch the mouth tray.

Professional Teeth Whitening System

NUYU 3000 LED Teeth Whitening Light

LED lights are used in teeth whitening procedures for one key reason: research has shown they speed up the chemical reactions that remove the stains from teeth. As mentioned before, whitening agents are effective for 24 hours. Therefore, speeding up the chemical reactions simply means that more stains can be removed during this time period. Ultimately, the more stains that are removed, the brighter your smile will be. On average, LED teeth whitening can lighten a smile 6-8 shades during a single whitening session.

LED lights have improved the potency of whitening agents, permitting for brighter and whiter smiles. Nevertheless, the whitening agent remains the active ingredient in whitening treatments. While the results from combining LED lights with a whitening agent are difficult to achieve, brilliant effects can be achieved by using a whitening gel with LED lights.

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Prefilled Whitening Kits 1

Prefilled Whitening Trays (Wholesale Teeth Whitening Kits)

Prefilled teeth whitening trays are the best way to whiten teeth. There is no more to use syringes and over fill trays. The tray is a one piece platform tray and it is filled with 36% carbamide peroxide gel. The kit also includes vitamin E Q-tips, bib, and brush-up. This is everything that you need to whiten a clients teeth.

The brush up is used for a quick cleaning of debris from the teeth. Vitamin E is used to protect the gums from accidental exposure to the teeth whitening gel. While clients whiten their teeth there are people that salivate more than others and the bib helps catch any saliva preventing it from getting on their clothes.

Wholesale Teeth Whitening Pen

Tooth stains are caused by what we inhale, eat, and drink. It is important to follow these instructions to continue maintaining and get 2-3 more shades whiter teeth. Results achieved from our teeth whitening system can last up to two years, but it is dependent on your habits. While teeth whitening pens can be used to whiten teeth on their own it’s best used after an in office teeth whitening session.
Whitening Pens
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Shade Guide & Goggles

The shade guide included in the system has 20-27 shades of teeth. 27 shades will give you the ability to show the most accurate before and after to the client. The goggles prevent the bright blue LED lights from irritating your customers eyes.

Posters & Brochures

You need a way to let your customers know that you offer teeth whitening. The best way is to notify your current customers who are already spending money with your business that you have added a new service. Posters are to be posted within your place of work to inform your current customers. The brochures are designed to educate your customers on the teeth whitening process.
digital marketing teeth whitening

Digital Marketing Resources

In our digital age it’s essential to have the resources require to post on your website and social media websites. Our digital marketing resources include a premade web page that you can post onto your website, marketing copy, images & videos that can be used to advertise teeth whitening service

The website is designed to generate more teeth whitening clients for you and educate your customers on the benefits and process of teeth whitening. The marketing copy includes 17 page PDF of tested marketing copy that you can copy and paste onto your social media posts.

Images and video we provide are designed to be used on flyers, social media posts, or your own website. We are the only teeth whitening company that provides this type of support.

Training & Certification

Don’t be fooled by other companies trying to get you to pay for teeth whitening training. We train all of our customers on our products for absolutely free. We have a convenient online course that goes through all the steps to adding teeth whitening as a service to your business. Training is not necessary to adding teeth whitening to your business but we want to ensure all customers know how to use our products before guiding their own clients. We fully supply you with all the knowledge to feel comfortable through every step of the teeth whitening process. There are no licenses or government certification required to guide clients to whiter smiles.

Now you know what comes in our teeth whitening system

7 Steps to a successful Teeth Whitening for your client

Before we start the 7 steps to a successful teeth whitening system we must qualify our customers to ensure they are a good candidate for teeth whitening. Give your customer a copy of the Customer Information & Consent form. This will educate them on what to expect from the teeth whitening procedure and ask certificate questions that will exclude them from teeth whitening if they apply to them. The form also contains aftercare and follow up instructions

Teeth Whitening Exclusions:

Step 1 – Before Shade

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The shade guide provided is a premium shade guide with 27 shades for the most accurate comparison on the market. Select the most stained tooth of their smile and compare it with the Shade guide to obtain their current tooth shade. Pull out your best mirror and ask them if the shade you selected matches their teeth. After you find their shade you pull the tooth out of the shade guide and show them. Keep their before shade out of the Shade Guide

Step 2 – The Brush-up (B)

The Oral Brush-up is a textured teeth wipe that quickly cleans plaque off teeth and freshens your breath. It fits over the client’s finger like a little sock to wipe over your teeth and gums. It doesn’t require any water or rinsing. This quick brush up will allow the gel to contact the stains that have been there for years.

Step 3 – Vitamin E Swab (E)


While the client is using the brush-up, take out the Vitamin E Swab and snap off the side with the red line completely. This will allow the vitamin e to settle at the other side of the swab. Once it has settled, hand the client the Vitamin E Swab and have them coat their gums and lips while holding their smile.


Step 4 – Prefilled Teeth Whitening Tray (T)

When the client is done applying the Vitamin E, open the mouth tray pouch and have the CLIENT remove it. Instruct the client to place the mouth tray in their mouth with the gel towards the front of their teeth. Once the mouth tray is in their mouth instruct the client to bite down NATURALLY & relax.

Remind them not to push the mouth tray because this will lead to the gel coming into contact with their gums. If the the gel comes into contact with their gums it will turn them white and they may experience discomfort. Have the client rinse their mouth out with water 2-3 times to remove the gel. Once this is complete repeat steps 2 & 3.


Step 5 – Apply the Whitening Light

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Give the client the protective goggles to protect their eyes from the light. Adjust the whitening light to the clients smile as close as possible without touching the client. Ensure the client’s mouth is completely blue then set the timer to 25 minutes and press start to begin the whitening process. Once their time is up let them rinse out their mouth and proceed to show them RESULTS.

Step 6 – Results / After Shade

This is the best part, where you get to show your client their results. Compare their whitest tooth to the shade guide and remove it from the shade guide. Pull out your mirror and ask them if the shade you selected matches their teeth. Then show them the before shade and after shade together to show them their progress. Count the number of shades between their shades and tell them how many shades whiter their smile is.

Depending on how white their smile is already, clients receive 2-8 Shades whiter smiles in their first session. We recommend follow up sessions every month for 3 months for the ultimate white smile. Results can last a lifetime but what we eat, and drink stains our teeth and recommend completely three sessions once a year to keep their smiles white.


Step 7 – Whitening Pen Maintenance & Post Instructions

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Step 7 is all about making that new bright white smile last. Let the client know that for 24 hours they will want to avoid coffee, tea, tobacco, and other dark-colored food and drinks. The teeth whitening pen is highly recommended and can be an up-sell or given away as part of the session. Instruct them to apply the whitening gel from the pen before they go to sleep at night. Tell them to only apply the gel directly to the smile zone. The pen lasts for 30 days if used daily. Give the client the post whitening instructions which includes the pen instructions in it.

Post Session Instructions

Tooth stains are caused by what we inhale, eat, and drink. It is important to follow these instructions to continue maintaining and get 2-3 more shades whiter teeth. Results achieved from our teeth whitening system can last up to two years, but it is dependent on your habits.

The first 24 -48 hours are the most important. Teeth whitening can leave the outer layer of the teeth, the enamel, porous and more vulnerable to absorbing stains. Please follow the instructions below for best results.



Avoid dark food & drinks for 24-48 hours

  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Red Wine
  • Blueberries
  • Curries
  • Marinara Sauce
  • Dark Sodas
  • Or any other dark pigmented food or drink.
  • Anything that can stain a white shirt should be avoided

Whitening Pen

  • Minimum of two weeks
  • Use Nightly to optimize results
  • For best results use 4-6 weeks.
  • Whitening pens lasts up to 30-60 applications
  • Once it’s saturated it will be good for 3-4 uses before having to fill it again.

Whitening Pen Instructions

  • Brush Teeth (optional)
  • Saturate pen bristles by twisting the base
  • DO NOT overfill applicator brush
  • May take up to 60 twists before seeing gel in middle of bristles
  • Brush whitening gel onto the teeth
  • Gently bite down while relaxing jaw and lips
  • Wait 20 minutes
  • Remove and rinse tray and mouth with warm water

Frequently Asked Questions clients will ask

Yes. This is an FDA-approved procedure. Our product does not cause sensitivity; we do not use citric acid, silica, or any other damaging agent to the enamel in our product. When teeth are normal and healthy there are no adverse side effects on the tooth’s enamel.
Individual results vary, depending on your genetics, what type of stain you have (yellow=easiest to remove, brown=somewhat more difficult to remove, gray=difficult may require a series of sessions), and how thick your enamel is. We typically see 2 – 8 shades improvement in the first session: then 1-3 shades in follow-up sessions.
Individual results vary, depending on your tendency to absorb stains, your diet (coffee, tea, red wine, sodas, etc) and lifestyle (tobacco products). Results can last up to 2 years, with proper maintenance: using the Whitening Pen, avoiding staining products, avoiding enamel-stripping substances (drugstore white strips, sugar, sodas), avoiding drugstore whitening toothpastes that contain silica or other abrasive ingredients which scratch enamel. 2-4 sessions is recommended to prevent relapse. Relapse is when bleached teeth revert to their original stained color. Getting 2-4 sessions helps prevent relapse. If your salon or spa decides to incorporate teeth whitening into your line of services, you can offer follow-up sessions right at your location. If not, we recommend clients use the Whitening Pen so they can perform their follow ups at home. They are meant for maintenance, to remove daily stains but not for tougher, deeper stains from years of accumulation. Therefore, they are only 30% as effective as in-office sessions in the presence of the whitening accelerator light.)
Whitening the teeth 2-4 times per year does not deteriorate enamel. Check with your Dentist regarding your specific situation and questions.
Teeth Whitening is not effective on individuals with stained teeth because of certain medications, decalcification, or those who were born with grayish teeth. It is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women, or children under 18. Unless written permission from an adult.
The whitening process will only whitening veneers and crowns back to their original color. The process does not adversely affect these structures or fillings.
A small percentage of clients will experience some slight tingling sensation during the session.
Our specially formulated gel is pH balanced and does not contain citric acid or silica which are commonly found in many over-the-counter whitening strips, known for causing sensitivity. NUYU was engineered to be an effective, affordable and pain free session. Our process does NOT require uncomfortable prep time or the use of gingiva blocking or retractors.
Our pre-filled trays contain 36% carbamide peroxide that is perfectly balanced and does not damage the tooth enamel. Whitening Pen 12% Hydrogen Peroxide. We have a numbing agent in our gel that helps to reduce sensitivity.